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I was part of the group that handle all of the 3D aspects of the exhibition including the main title wall and display signage. Once the concept was finalized, it was mocked up in SketchUp in order to calculate the size and amount of material needed. 

The Process


SketchUp Models

Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at 2.32.23 PM.png
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Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at 3.02.08 PM.png

The title wall featured ten different overlapping patterns. Each pattern was created by a student in the exhibition group. We were given the restriction of working in a 1 inch square that could repeat itself to create the pattern. Mine is featured below.

Screen Shot 2019-06-19 at 3.07.03 PM.png

For the signage, I created small tags that display the names of the artists and name of the piece. I also create signs encouraging visitors to interact with a few of the displays.

please interact.png

For each of the interactive tags, I incorporated a different pattern. 

pick me up.png
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